Checkmate vs stalemate
Checkmate vs stalemate

checkmate vs stalemate

  • (n.) The position of the king when he can not move without being placed on check and there is no other piece which can be moved.
  • (4) We are not checkmated.” Sanders’s campaign is more often compared to Obama’s in 2008 – when the Illinois senator surprised Clinton and the political establishment by pulling off an unexpected victory – than to Jackson’s.
  • (3) Non-violence was a creative doctrine in the South because it checkmated the rabid segregationalists who were thirsting for an opportunity to physically crush Negroes.
  • checkmate vs stalemate

  • (2) He gave me a sleepy-lidded smile, the sort I imagine a grandmaster might give on checkmating someone easily.
  • (1) And those are unresolvable, and you're checkmated whichever way you go.".
  • t.) To defeat completely to terminate to thwart. t.) To check (an adversary's king) in such a manner that escape in impossible to defeat (an adversary) by putting his king in check from which there is no escape.
  • (n.) A complete check utter defeat or overthrow.
  • (n.) The position in the game of chess when a king is in check and cannot be released, - which ends the game.
  • These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'stalemate.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Sanger, New York Times, 17 June 2019 See More 2019 After coming to office vowing to solve two very different nuclear crises, President Trump finds himself in a bind familiar to his predecessors: careening toward a confrontation with Iran and stalemated with North Korea.ĭavid E. 2019 For months, the LNA and the militias have been locked in fierce clashes on Tripoli’s southern outskirts, with the fighting mostly stalemated. Oregonlive, 6 June 2020 The diplomacy has been stalemated for months, with North Korea pressing the United States to make concessions by year’s end. Globe Staff,, The Emergency Board, composed of 13 Democrats and seven Republicans, had stalemated in April over plans to give those same hospitals millions in zero-interest loans.

    checkmate vs stalemate

    Meg Kinnard, ajc, 20 July 2022 Even so, the accord was embraced by Biden and enactment would signal a significant turnabout after years of gun massacres that have yielded little but stalemate in Congress.Īlan Fram, ajc, 12 June 2022 Even so, the accord was embraced by Biden and enactment would signal a significant turnabout after years of gun massacres that have yielded little but stalemate in Congress.Īlan Fram, Chicago Tribune, 12 June 2022 That’s because they are either controlled politically by Republicans who oppose gun restrictions or are politically divided, leading to stalemate. 2022 Recent Examples on the Web: Verb The six commissioners - three Democrats and three Republicans - frequently stalemate along party lines, resulting in dismissals of cases. Karen Kaplanscience And Medicine Editor, Los Angeles Times, 22 Mar. 2022 Congress and the White House are stuck in a stalemate over the Biden administration’s request for $22.5 billion in COVID-19 funding. Schneider, Washington Post, Since then, Democrats and Republicans have been in a stalemate for months over how much additional money for Covid should be provided and under what terms.Įrika Edwards, NBC News, Before and during World War II, Finland fought two wars with the Soviet Union that ended in stalemate. New York Times, And so, with a June 30 deadline looming to get a town budget passed, Kennedy and Carson are circling one another in stalemate. Nadeen Ebrahim, CNN, 13 June 2022 But France, Italy and Germany, the biggest and richest countries of the bloc, are anxious about a long war or one that ends frozen in a stalemate, and nervous of the possible damage to their own economies.

    checkmate vs stalemate

    Wes Siler, Outside Online, 28 June 2022 But politics has since been in a stalemate as bickering and accusations of corruption have stalled the presidential election and hindered the formation of a government. Recent Examples on the Web: Noun The other major caveat to the rollout of new vaccines this fall is funding - the battle over which has been stuck in a stalemate on Capitol Hill since the winter.Ĭheyenne Haslett, ABC News, 29 June 2022 This would prevent the Biden administration from writing and subsequently enforcing a new rule, and put the onus for such on a branch of government currently locked in stalemate.

    Checkmate vs stalemate